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Operations Management Lean Manufacturing

The core principle in implementing lean manufacturing is to eliminate waste to continually improve a process. By reducing waste to deliver process improvements, lean manufacturing sustainably delivers value to the customer.

Operations Management Lean Manufacturing

Waste in industry, whether that is idle workers, poor processes or unused materials are a drain on productivity, and lean manufacturing aims to eliminate these. The motives behind this vary depending on opinion, from increasing profits to providing benefits to customers. However, whatever the over-arching motives, there are four key benefits to lean manufacture:

Lean manufacturing entails streamlining processes and procedures to eliminate waste and thereby maximise productivity. Womack and Jones (see above) defined lean as, a way to do more and more with less and less - less human effort, less equipment, less time, and less space - while coming closer and closer to providing customers exactly what they want.

Also known as lean production, the methodology is based on a specific manufacturing principles that have influenced production systems across the world as well as those of other industries including healthcare, software and various service industries.

Krafcik stated that lean manufacturing plants have higher levels of productivity/quality than non-Lean and, "the level of plant technology seems to have little effect on operating performance." He continued by adding that the risks of implementing lean processes can be lessened by "developing a well-trained, flexible workforce, product designs that are easy to build with high quality, and a supportive, high-performance supplier network."

Lean manufacturing entails streamlining processes and procedures to eliminate waste and thereby maximise productivity. Womack and Jones (see above) defined lean as, a way to do more and more with less and less - less human effort, less equipment, less time, and less space - while coming closer and closer to providing customers exactly what they want."

Critics of lean argue that it can ignore employee safety and wellbeing. By focussing on removing waste and streamlining procedures it is possible to overlook the stresses placed on employees who are given little margin for error in the workplace. Lean has been compared to 19th Century scientific management techniques that were fought against by labour reforms and believed obsolete by the 1930s.

Some critics point out that lean manufacturing is a culture rather than a set method, meaning that it is impossible to create a standard lean production model. This can create a perception that lean is a loose and vague technique rather than a robust one.

As they introduced the concepts of lean manufacturing in their writing, Womack and Jones also explained why some lean organisations succeeded while others failed. The main difference was that those who failed copied specific practices while the successful organisations sought to understand the underlying principles required to make the whole lean system work.

In order to effectively achieve the first three steps you need to gain the support of your staff. The whole methodology can suffer if management decides to implement it without gaining the buy-in of employees. Since waste, and therefore lean, is an overall concept across the entire business, it requires management to identify and understand the true problems that need to be solved.

Six Sigma is a method of data-driven management that is similar to lean in that it also seeks to assess and eliminate process defects to improve quality. However, while both processes seek to eliminate waste, they use different approaches to do so.

TWI can help with a number of product and process development support activities, including technical support, manufacturing and production support, technology acquisition, asset management and failure analysis and repair. You can find out more about all of these services and support activities here.

As companies face increasing competition at home and abroad, finding better, faster, less expensive ways to operate is necessary to remain relevant and stay in business. The concept of lean operations is a method companies have been using for almost a century. The ROI of lean operations promises greater employee engagement and a bigger bottom line.

The ultimate goal of creating a lean environment is to cut costs and eliminate wasted energy, resources, and time. This is usually achieved through building a deliberate workforce structure, an optimized facility, and refined processes. Lean operations management is often supported by digital transformations that streamline communication and automate internal tasks.

But a crisis can also be the perfect catalyst to adopt lean operations management principles. A turbulent event can reveal weak spots in your workflows and could reveal the perfect opportunity to chart a new course.

The lean operations definition is consistent across industries, but the way a business incorporates a lean operations strategy is specific to the needs of a company. Almost any company can benefit from a shorter lead time.

Lean operations management can reduce manufacturing waste by up to 35%. Holcim, a global producer of building materials, used a digital solution for lean communication and connected 1,500 mobile employees in one place. As a result, they saved $50,000 by eliminating the cost of printing their newsletter.

Nike achieves lean operations through specific goal-setting that aligns its entire enterprise to its mission and products. From supply chain management to HR processes, Nike regularly audits its various internal components. As a result Nike has decreased CO2 emissions 6% while increasing output by 20%. Through lean operations, Nike has created long term marketplace stability and decreased product defects by 50%.

To truly have a lean operations management approach, communication needs to be direct and enterprise wide. Use a mobile-first digital platform to connect everyone in your company that allows them to communicate in real time. 71% of frontline workers say digital communication makes them more productive.

Organizations whose operations are driven by lean thinking & practice achieve competitive advantage because they are based on a customer-first philosophy and fundamental market economics. These companies recognize that the marketplace ultimately determines the price of goods and services. They understand that, since customers determine the prices of goods and services, the best way to increase profitability is to lower costs. With this awareness, they reverse the traditional profit formula:

Lean manufacturing is a methodology that focuses on minimizing waste within manufacturing systems while simultaneously maximizing productivity. Waste is seen as anything that customers do not believe adds value and are not willing to pay for. Some of the benefits of lean manufacturing can include reduced lead times, reduced operating costs and improved product quality.

Lean manufacturing, also known as lean production, or lean, is a practice that organizations from numerous fields can enable. Some well-known companies that use lean include Toyota, Intel, John Deere and Nike. The approach is based on the Toyota Production System and is still used by that company, as well as myriad others. Companies that use enterprise resource planning (ERP) can also benefit from using a lean production system.

Lean manufacturing was introduced to the Western world via the 1990 publication of The Machine That Changed the World, which was based on an MIT study into the future of the automobile detailed by Toyota's lean production system. Since that time, lean principles have profoundly influenced manufacturing concepts throughout the world, as well as industries outside of manufacturing, including healthcare, software development and service industries.

Lean manufacturing requires a relentless pursuit of reducing anything that does not add value to a product, meaning waste. This makes continuous improvement, which lies at the heart of lean manufacturing, a must.

Six Sigma is an approach to data-driven management, similar in nature to lean, which seeks to improve quality by measuring how many defects there are in a process and eliminating them until there are as little defects as possible.

Lean production is all about reducing waste, not just material waste, but labor and time waste generated by some processes. When all of these wastes have been removed from the system, only then can it be said that the system is truly lean and optimized. In short, lean production involves constant efforts to reduce or eliminate waste starting from the design process to the manufacturing, distribution and towards the product support and beyond phases. But it is not just about reducing waste and overhead, the principle of lean production is also about increasing speed, efficiency and improving quality on top of waste elimination. This requires work and the development of a lean culture within the workforce, which ultimately leads to added value both for the customer and the company.

Lean Manufacturing or lean is a manufacturing term used to describe a manufacturing, industrial or service operation which operates with little or no type of muda (waste), thus making the operation very efficient and only consisting of value adding steps from start to finish, as can be seen in a value stream map. The term lean centers around the idea that the customer purchasing a good or service is only willing to pay for the value added "steps" in making or delivering such a service. Therefore the non value adding "steps" and its associated costs are bared by the manufacturing company, thus reducing margins for the manufacturer. Many of the concepts are derived from the Toyota Production system, who are considered to be the pioneers in several lean manufacturing concepts and principles. 041b061a72


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